![Advantages Of Organic Foods For Children](/Advantages-Of-Organic-Foods-For-Children.jpg)
Organic Foods in benefits forchildren – It is the difficult task to find the healthy snacks for children because highly processed and yummy stuffs are available.
Here are some healthy organic snack ideas for kids:
APPLE AND PEANUT BUTTER: Take some apple slices and add on it the peanut butter with maple syrup. Microwave it for two minute. A healthy and yummy snack is ready for kids.
DAIRY SNACKS: If your kids want something cold and sweet then you can offer them flavored yogurt. The flavor is elected according to the likes of children as strawberry, mango, vanilla etc,
You can give them the skim milk with addition of crackers or with some cookies in it. String cheese sticks and low fat cheese cubes are also good snack for children. Low fat organic pudding is also a yummy snack for children.
All these are rich in calcium and robotics bacteria’s, and provide the essential nutrients to the kids.
NUTS AND SEEDS: These are full of many essential minerals as phosphorus, selenium, potassium and many vitamins as vitamin A and vitamin E in them. These are also rich source of fats, so should be taken in moderation. These are mixed with butter or added in cookies or smoothies.
CHOCOLATE CANDIES: Chocolate is great antioxidant with high nutritional values. It is liked by all children as well adults due to yummy in taste. It provides instant energy to kids. It is very quick home made recipe which fulfill their desire of eating and entertaining.
Medium egg.1 ½ cups of flour.¾ cup of milk.¾ cup of chocolate chips.½ cup of brown sugar.½ cup of puréed banana.¼ cup of vegetable oil.3 teaspoons of baking powder.½ teaspoon of salt.½ teaspoon of cinnamon.¼ teaspoon of nutmeg.Blend all these ingredients well and transfer them to the grease tins with 2/3 filled and heat it in cooking range or in oven at the temperature of 400c. Yummy muffins are ready to eat with full nourishment.
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